Where is Taormina situated?
Sicily is the largest island of the Mediterranean and has a long and rich history. Taormina is a small town, located on the coastline between Messina and Catania.
General infomration on Taormina?
Habitants of approximately 10,000 you can see more general information on Taormina Wikipedia page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taormina
A great brief video to see a glance of Sicily’s history in 100 seconds :
How do we get to Taormina?
Taxi : Villa Britannia can help with any private transfers from all Sicilian airports
Bus : In the summer high season there are local buses, runs every hour. To see the exact timetables and schedules please click here http://www.interbus.it
Train : From the airport you can get buses to the train station and a direct train to Taormina. To see timetable and schedules :http://www.trenitalia.com/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=ad1ce14114bc9110VgnVCM10000080a3e90aRCRD
What’s the weather like in Taormina?
Taormina has mild winters with some rain patches from November – February. Warm temperatures and mainly sunny in spring March- June .
Hot summers with a few brief thunder storms especially is August which is our hottest month.

How do we get around in Taormina?
Taormina is extremely small which means that everything is accessible on foot. There is no need of a car in the town as parking is difficult but if you want to travel further a field whilst staying in Taormina a car is a good option.
Taormina has a cable car service which runs every 15 minutes (8.am – 12 pm) which takes you directly to the local beaches.
What are Taormina’s main features and attractions?
As Taormina is based on a hill, the views over sea coast and Etna are breathtaking. The Greek theatre, Cathedrals, Art gallery, Museums, public gardens are all well worth visiting.
What does Taormina offer regarding sea and beaches?
Taormina has two beaches Mazzarò and Isolabella. Both very different, Mazzaro being sandy offering many water activities and various beach lidos to pick from. Isolabella has fantastic views, rocky, provides both public and private beaches with small characteristic lidos, brilliant scuba diving and diving facilities. Access to Isolabella means going up and down approximately 300 steps.